

Volunteering at Radio Baha'i

Ever been interested in working at a radio station?  Why not check out Radio Baha'i! Here at Radio Baha'i, we’re always looking for volunteers who show an interest in working to learn, or polish the skill sets used in the Radio Industry. Down below, we have a list of jobs that we could use some help with, and if you’re interested, show you the ropes of how they work. If you’re interested in helping us with any of these, or if you need more information, fill out the form below in order to contact the station manager! 

  • Music: finding, processing, organizing
  • Announcements: researching, writing, editing, recording
  • Voice-Over
  • On Air Program Hosting
  • Technical Support: audio engineering, IT, database, broadcast software support
  • Social media
Just so we know what you liked to be called.
For us to reach out and say Hello :)

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